Wastewater treatment plants for ships


According to the accepted international conventions, it is strictly prohibited to pollute the world ocean with sewage from any kind of ships. It is also impossible to dump wastewater overboard less than a certain distance from the shore in order to avoid flora and fauna poisoning. This is due to the fact that the untreated wastewater is extremely saturated with suspended particles, which disintegrate, absorbing oxygen. Plants and sea animals cannot live in such water. And rapidly multiplying bacteria begin to secrete hydrogen sulfide, which has an unpleasant odor. Also in wastewater, E. coli feels favorably, depending on the amount of which you can judge the degree of contamination of water.

Tecnicomar - 36 years on the cleaning systems market

Установки очистки сточных вод для судов

The most rational wastewater treatment, which is performed on highly professional equipment of the Italian company Tecnicomar. With its help, the cleaning takes place in a fully automatic mode, which allows us to obtain water suitable for discharge into the sea. The process starts when a sufficient amount of liquid is collected in the storage tank. It is sent to a working tank, where it is settled for a while, and then treated with disinfectants. Then, with the help of clean sea water and further settling, further disinfection takes place. Installations sold by Tecnicomar have a capacity from 2,300 to 50,000 liters per day.

Установки очистки сточных вод для судов

The cooperation between SBS and Tecnicomar has been going on for more than a year, which has enabled the company's Russian clients to receive high-quality and reliable desalination and purification plants at low prices.

Pulkovskoe shosse, 40-4, lit. A, of. 8080

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