Ship cranes with telescopic boom

Technical and operational characteristics of the crane, namely capacity, directly depend on the design of the boom. SBS Company offers telescopic cranes from leading world manufacturers, which are able to cope with a variety of goods and raise them to a height of up to one hundred meters.

Features telescopic arrows

Previously used lattice booms on the cable suspension. But over time, they were replaced by telescopic structures, which consist of several components, moving relative to each other. When all sections are elongated, a long arrow is obtained. But if necessary, these sections hide in one another. However, even in the extended state, the boom is able to withstand enormous loads.

The SBS company sells telescopic cranes with a different number of sections - more than five. To impart additional indicators of strength using high-quality metals with stiffeners and linings in problem areas. Security plays a paramount role.

Odoid profile

This is a modern solution that has replaced the rectangular arrow profiles. Thus, it was possible to improve the lifting characteristics of the crane. Thanks to computer calculations, it was possible to produce the most accurate calculations: the side walls are bent, the lower part works in compression, and the upper part - in tension.

Engineers opted for a combination of rectangular and rounded, which later became known as ovoid. We supply cranes with other boom profiles, depending on customer needs, including multi-faceted ones.

The benefits of the telescopic boom

Cranes with telescopic boom have a lot of advantages, including:

  • the ability to perform operations in cramped conditions, including working with cargoes below deck level;

  • profitability in the price and during the work;

  • ease of management;

  • structural simplicity;

  • the presence of all sorts of additional options (security system, the presence of an autonomous electric hydraulic pump, both above and below deck, etc.).

We directly cooperate with many manufacturers of marine telescopic cranes. Our partners are trademarks from Norway, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands.

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